- If you are interested in a baccalaureate degree, you can complete all four years at Penn State Altoona in Business or Accounting (pre-major of ALBUS or DUS)
- Or complete two years here and two years at University Park in the Smeal College of Business (pre-major of BA or DUS)
- The final path is for students interested in completing an associates degree in Business Administration (2BAAL)
This guide is directed toward incoming and first-year students who are showing an interest in the business world, specifically those who are going to be Penn State Altoona students. It will provide basic information about the business degrees through the use of the campus websites and more specific information if you decide that this is the right path for you.
Email: Activate your email account at your earliest convenience. This is very important! You will receive system-wide emails that contain critical curricular and academic progress information on a regular basis. We expect you to be in the loop from the start.
Advising: Take the initiative to meet with your adviser on a regular basis every semester. You will be assigned an adviser who will be an invaluable resource as you navigate through your collegiate experience.
Deborah Kimmel Hommer, MBA
Business Program Coordinator
Senior Instructor in MIS, IST, Business Administration, Management
Office: 223 Penn Building
[email protected]
Fax: 814-949-5776
Web Know How: Technology provides an essential tool in monitoring and planning your academic progress.
The Penn State Altoona website provides all information about the College. On the home page, you will find the calendar of events, events for the day, and news pertaining to the College. This is a great starting point for a student who is showing interest in Penn State Altoona. Beyond the home page is a wealth of information.
There are four paths for studying business at Penn State Altoona Altoona:
Regardless of your path, Penn State is the degree conferring entity, and your diploma will look like this: